Letter from Lucy Allen Kirby to her brother William

Transcribed by Nola Abshere. The original is in the possession of Lillie Ann Allen Self.

Richard Kirby died on the 13th of May 1897 so this letter was most likely written in May of 1898.

	Terriers End, Near Tring, Herts

        My Dear Brother

        I hope this will find you all well as I am thankful to say it leaves us all well
        at present the children have both had sore throats since I wrote last Henry had
        a week at home it almost makes us tremble Diptheria is bad about and has been
        for a long time New Mill School has been closed twice for it and is at the present
        time and is not to be opened again till after the Wilton Hollidays.

        I think I get a coward or nervous at sickness Richard has now been dead twelve
        months tomorrow and mother 25 months today it don't seem long does it

        I was glad you found things alright when you got home you were uneasy a long
        time you were having a lot of rain when you wrote as it done raining yet we
        had a long spel of fine weather now we are having a spel of wet at least enough
        to make it uncomfortable  Have you heard from George I have not I daresay you
        think I am never going to write again but I have been busy I did not know what
        to do this morning write or do something else at last I thought I would write
        I write so seldom

        I almost forgot how both Anns girls are out at Service and doing very well
        so she is only one Son at home and I think it will be a _____ job for her if
        ever he leaves home Tom don't get better as he gets older it is Albert's
        money that keeps the home going poor Claude it was too bad not to send him
        a card I will see if I can fine one for his this time.  Have you any apple
        trees Oh I remember you said you had how are they looking mine will be
        covered with blooms but we must wait and see what Fruit will be ____ as
        much as we deserve I have no time to write more so will close with
        love to all from all

        From your ever loving Sister

        Lucy Kirby

        kiss the children

        write soon don't keep me waiting as I have you