Letter from Lucy Allen Kirby to her brother William

Transcribed by Nola Abshere. The original is in the possession of Lillie Ann Allen Self.

        Terriers End
        Near Tring, Herts
        March 1900

        My Dear Brother,
        You will think that I am very negligent in writing so I am. I often
        think how nice it used to be to get a letter every month now we neither
        of us know when to look for one why should it be so I daresay it was me
        that began to drop it off till I supose I write too in a year instead of
        twelve I am glad to say we are well which is a great blessing while there
        has been so much Flues and so much Influenzas.

        We have escaped all we have had nothing but a cold thank God for it. The
        weather is very changeable we had too heavy falls of Snow this year the
        last came in the night Henry started to work he had to dig himself out
        first though he went a little way up the lane and dare not go farther he
        did not know where he was going to sink to so he came back and staid till
        daylight then he had to go where he could since then.  We have had some
        lovely weather then last night it began snowing again. But it thaws it
        looks as if we have yet to have a lot more either snow or rain we have
        had a lot of rain this winter.  The springs are higher than I have known
        them for years you mention this dreadful dreadful awful war oh it is
        grievency to think how many lives there as been lost and to think how
        many many hundred poor fatherless children and widows there are left to
        mourn there lifs and get in harm they ___ in England did seem to be having
        the worse of it but through God's mercy it seems to have taken a turn there
        was such a rejoicing in Tring when Lady Smith was taken they decorated
        the town with lights and flags and the bells rang and the brass band,
        fife band, lads bregade fire bregade rebel vilenteers and yoemornery all
        paraded the streets with torch lights, Henry and Elsie went they said it
        was well worth seeing I could hear the bells right and the band play and
        the people sing and the guns go off at home that was enough for me.

        Job never had only to children, there are both married Ellen has two children,
        Bill is nearby Ellen is in London Bill is at Watford David has one girl married.

        I am thankful to say this war has not made bread dearer at present, tea
        beer tobacco cotton and I think all liquors are a little dearer and I
        don't know what else but that won't affect me much

        [there might be another page to this letter that is missing]